She is frustration with a smile,
She is fear clothed in hope and bravery,
Still, she believes in miracles,
And continues to make mountains seem like molehills,
So celebrate her.

Sometimes language is an abject failure,
And the magnitude of her difficulties cannot be adequately captured
By the conceptualized thought and exhaled utterance.
So even in her silence,
Celebrate her

Hold her in the dead of night,
Lotion every inch of her body with kindness,
Dote on her,
Polish her nails,
Gloss her lips,
Do her hair,
And indulge her.
Because only you can understand completely,
The extent of the effort exerted.
And only you can appreciate truly,
That though the war is far from over,
Another battle is won
With every decision to do,
With every decision to move,
With every decision to fight,
With every decision to hope,
With every decision to try…
Just one more time

So when intrusive negative thoughts threaten to consume her
With feelings of insufficiency, inferiority and failure,
Do not allow her to entertain them,
Do not allow her to let them sink in,
And don’t you dare start to believe them!

Honour her willpower
Honour her courage
Honour her strength
More so in those moments when they are hardest to see

Love her.
Love the clumsy,
The forgetful
The rough around the edges
The chaos of thought and expressions,
The flaw-filled trooper,
The beautiful mess.
Love her.
Love her in her entirety.

And when she stares back at you in the mirror,
With compassion and understanding,
Through eyes that enunciate so much more than her mouth ever can,
Smile at her with humility and pride,
With your moon face and blushed cheeks
And most certainly, she will return your smile.

Celebrate her, Beautiful Butterfly…
Celebrate yourself.

Shoyéa-Gaye Grant-Massicotte ©




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