I remember walking down the aisle with my father holding my hand. We had rehearsed the evening before and when my father suddenly stopped before we reached the point we had agreed on at the rehearsal, I tried to nudge him without putting a dent in my smile. He had stopped way too early. He wasn’t sticking to the script. He didn’t understand that everything needed to go as planned because the day had to be perfect.  Before I could start panicking, I saw Ashley turning around…. With a mike in his hand.

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Now, Ash sang for me before and I all but melted. Even though he believes that he does not sing as well as he did when he was younger, I am convinced that God has not taken back that talent. But as he was singing for me on our wedding day, a flood of emotions overflowed the fortification of his perfectly rehearsed notes. I watched as he struggled to contain his emotions and arrive at a beautiful finish.

That scene is pretty much a synopsis of Ash’s life. Each day, he pushes past various obstacles for the sake of love. I am a witness to his daily sacrifices. He gives of himself willingly and repeatedly to ensure that Jélani (our son), Ranger (our dog) and I are happy and comfortable.

Life for Ash has been far from easy. He has had to fight battles, endure losses and work extremely hard. Still, his physical struggles surpass them all. Like me, Ashley is quite intimate with constant physical pain and discomfort. He knows what it is like to have the fangs of malady attempt to strangle his body and his spirit. He knows what it is like to continuously fight to take his life back. He knows what it is like to push past agony and uneasiness. He knows what it is like to do the very opposite of what his body wants him to do. He knows what it is like to mentally fight to function and thrive so his physical battle remains imperceivable to those outside his cluster.

Still, he says he would take my pain, if it would take my pain away. But truth be told, I would take his pain in a heartbeat. For me, seeing him in pain beats anything that Lupus throws at me. Before now, I had always been on the side where I was the one who was sick. I had no idea how painful it was to see someone I love hurting, where I am totally helpless. Furthermore, I was ignorant of the reality that this is how the people I love feel when I am sick. I only came to that realization one morning when I was having a conversation with Ash. The night before had been a rough one for him and although he toughed it out while he was awake, all through the night he was groaning in pain as he slept. I remember going into the bathroom and crying my eyes out numerous times that night. At one point, I laid on his chest, held his hand and begged God to take his pain away. When that didn’t work, I bargained with God to give me his pain. It seemed too torturous to bear. In the morning, this was our conversation:

Shoy: I never knew how hard it was to see someone you love in pain and there is nothing you can do about it. It feels soooooo horrible, and feeling helpless is the worst part. *sad face*

Ash: Babes, that’s how I feel about you every day.

Shoy: *shock face*

I had an epiphany. Loving Ashley has given me insight into what it is like for him to love me…. And boy, it’s rough. Yet, he does it every day.


Unlike me, Ash has not shared his struggles with the world. However, I think if he chooses to, the world would be blown away by how unbelievably extraordinary he is. Although his adversities could have broken him, and in some cases, almost did, he has evolved, and continues to evolve from them with a level of mental, physical and spiritual potency that I have never seen before. When I look at him, I see tenacity, determination, sacrifice, beauty, faith, humility and of course, the loveliest pair of greenish-gray eyes.

Although this journey has not been easy, it has been astoundingly wonderful. If I had to do it all over again, I would probably do it a bit earlier. In a previous article, Ash said he didn’t marry Lupus, he married Awesomeness. Well, I didn’t marry Colitis or Sacroiliitis, I married Incredibly Amazing.

I slay, I conquer and I win because he does not allow me to give up or lose faith. His strength is my vertebrae. His conviction keeps me grounded. His resolve is my motivation.

Behind this strong woman, is an even stronger man.

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Shoyéa- Gaye Grant-Massicotte ©


  • Sybil McLean says:

    I am always so amazed of just how well you write Shoya=Gaye…..you excellent use of the English language evokes a myriad of emotions. Thanks for sharing as usual….baring your soul and your vulnerability…. your strength, determination, love for life and of course Ash. Miss you.

  • mary says:

    Sorry to hear. Remembering this strong tough guy at CUC. My prayers are with you both. Trust in God at all times. Let him be the strenght of you’ll lives. Say hi to him for me.

  • nene says:

    this is the true definition of love.. this is a beautiful article… his strength is made perfect when all other strength is gone

  • Kelly George Peters says:

    Say Hi to Ashey for me. Never knew his story only his amazing eyed. Thanks for sharing. Keeping you both in my prayers for consistent love and thorough healing. Blessings

  • Andrea says:

    So many emotions flooded through as I read your post. So many thoughts of gratefulness for a wonderful marriage. I have known him from College and never a dull moment. I’m happy you both found each other, God knows exactly what he does. Keep enjoying each other despite your painful moments. My husband says, life is perfect when we can argue and make up. You both have what most dream of having. Pray you never stop living life, God bless

  • Nisha says:

    Very touching Shoyea!! Thanks for sharing…I wish that more people would experience such love!! There is hope after all

  • Kermecia says:

    But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.

    I’ll keep you all in my prayers.

  • Emerline Anselm says:

    This brought tears to my eyes. Hold strong my friends.

  • Past Student says:

    Oh my! Never knew all this was going on.. prayers goes out to the both of you.. I’m a past student of Ashley’s. Never give up.. stay strong.. the battle is not yours , it’s the lords.

  • Nicole J says:

    Bless your hearts. This is touching. I believe in true love and this is it. You both are the example of strength. Keep fighting keep praying. May YAHWEH continue to bless you both. Beautiful people.

  • Patriann says:

    My love to you and Ashley and my prayers for you both. God is faithful, everyday. Thank you for sharing your touching story and helping us to appreciate life. Keep pushing forward. Admire your tenacity.

  • Reisha St.Hilaire says:

    Wow. You write and I feel the conviction if love and perseverance in each word. Keep loving each other it’s agreat example for others to attain.

  • Kellox says:

    This was indeed touching. As one of his past students I just say that I am in awe of what he fights through daily. And he has a beautiful strong wife at his side. May God continue to bless you both!

  • Yolanda says:

    My lovely speech com teacher. God will continue to fight with you and for you both. Hold strong for he is able

  • Chels says:

    This is beautiful. I will keep both u all in prayer especially one of my favorite lecturers Mr. Massicot. Greetings to him. *hope he remembers me*

  • Mary Francis says:

    Please correct typos in comments on my behalf..thank you

  • Mary Francis says:

    Wow! Met you briefly at Voice of Life Radio and it appears from your post you are my immediate next door neighbor that I have not met since I am out for medical care. I will keep you both in prayer and will connect when I return home in the Lord’s timing. Never would have guessed that pan because he is always smiling and say’s he is doing ok during times of greeting. Please give him my regards.

  • Kadice says:

    May God give you both the strength needed to persevere in love.

  • stephanie says:

    this was beyond beautiful and heart touching keep the faith and love strong ……….. my past teacher mr.M

  • Secret says:

    Mr Massicotte was one of the best lecturers I had, always willing, always ready, always eager to help.
    This is really inspirational and may God continue to bless the both of you as well as your families. May God always allow his light to shine in your lives!
    Shine on Massicottes !!!

  • Leanne Foster Abraham says:

    Hello Ashley may not remember me from CUC but I worked along with Dean Spencer and Dean Jack. Please give him my regards! You are both in my thoughts and prayers!

  • Luenda Moore says:

    Wow had no idea that he was going through all of this. May God continue to give both of you strength daily to endure and overcome. Not sure if he remembers me, tell him Luenda said hi! God blessings to you both!

  • Delroy Williams says:

    Love this… keep sharing Shoy

  • Shantayaé GeeBee says:

    I absolutely applaud you both. The perfect demonstration of love regardless.

  • Nb says:

    Awwww…you guys are awesome….there is something great about this girl.
    .i sensed it as soon as i saw her

  • Loved this so beautiful ❤️

  • Lakeyia J says:

    This is beyond beautiful! ❤ 🔐

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