My little one,
You are the product of a gracefully unequivocal love,
You are the response to unwavering faith,
You are the reward of resilience,
You are the irrefutable proof that God still works miracles.

My little one,
With every sound of your heartbeat,
With every sight of you within what we call a uterus-
But what you clearly believe is your football field and gymnastic studio-
With every kick and backflip
That stops me suddenly in my tracks,
Or sends me immediately to the bathroom,
Or makes me emotionally melt like butter on hot bread,
My heart grows a little bigger.
And I know you will take a piece of it with you,
When you emerge beautifully from your cocoon.

And as you grow, my little one,
May you always rise from the ashes,
May you find beauty in simplicity and in life and in people,
May you understand the brevity and value of time,
May you use the world as a stage to display your talents and skills and charity,
May you be filled with depth and gratitude,
May you always find comfort and guidance in God,
May you inherit your father’s humility, wit, resolve and his gracious character,
And like your mother,  may you defy the odds, dance in the rain and throw caution to the wind-
Even as you become unapologetically yourself.

My little one,
Though I will give birth to you,
You also have given birth to me,
To a love I never knew existed.
You have ignited a new fire,
You have awakened a new purpose,
You have given new meaning,
To faith,
To hope,
To beauty,
To love,
And ultimately,
To the word “Mommy”.

And so with every micro inch that my tummy grows,
So does my love for you,
…. And I cannot wait to meet you!

My little one,
You are not just a new chapter of my life,
You are, indeed …

By: Shoyéa-Gaye Grant-Massicotte ©


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